The first photo is of Sri Janakinath Basu, father of Sri Subhas Chandra Bose(NETAJI)—-who donated this plot of land in MAHINAGAR(named as per his forefather Sri Mahitosh Basu) for construction of a public library—-

The name of the library is “PURONDER SMRITI MANDIR PATHAGHAR”– Where people of all classes and ages go not to waste time but  invole themselves in deep studies regarding our culture, heritage etc.–

All other photos are an illustration within the library, — how the books are kept, how the children come to read the books of their fond, and how beautifully the Childrens Centre is taken care of–

The library is also having a separate counter for  serious reading  books of which students of all sections right from schools colleges and universities visit to enrich themselves—

This library is brainchild of Sri Satkari Mukhopadhyay a famous freedom fighter whose statue is there in front of the library along with his beloved follower Sri Subhas Chandra Bose(NETAJI)—–

A good place to visit and spend time if possible————-

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